"Blog Y2 078 - Choose Faith Over Worldly Fear."

The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25 Today's scripture highlights the contrast between the fear of man and trust in the Lord, offering a powerful reminder to God's children about the dangers of fearing human opinion and the importance of placing their trust in Him for safety and security. Fear of man: The fear of man is described as a snare—a trap or a dangerous obstacle that can entangle and harm us. This fear often leads people to compromise their beliefs, make decisions based on others' desires and approval, and live in a constant state of anxiety and insecurity. Trust in the Lord: Trusting in the Lord brings true safety, security, and peace. It is a call to faith, boldness, and confidence in the face of worldly pressures and fears. Therefore, we must examine our hearts, confront our fears, and reaffirm our trust in God's unfailing promises. What side are you choosing in your life—fear of man ...